A full-season destination for those seeking sustenance of a higher order, there are any number of ways to work up a healthy appetite - ranging from canoeing and hiking in the summer to cross-country s
Tips and Tricks to Get Your Home CleanFollowing winter months spent indoors, it\'s important to take the time to get rid of the dust, dirt and allergens that accumulate in your house. Use these tips to
Kitchen Cleaning - Organize Your ApproachMaintaining a clean kitchen is important. However, there are often cleaning tasks that get put on hold because they require a great deal of time and effort. Ac
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Tips and Tricks to Get Your Home CleanFollowing winter months spent indoors, it\'s important to take the time to get rid of the dust, dirt and allergens that accumulate in your house. Use these tips to
Kitchen Cleaning - Organize Your ApproachMaintaining a clean kitchen is important. However, there are often cleaning tasks that get put on hold because they require a great deal of time and effort. Ac
10 Frugal Gardening TricksFun, frugal and environmentally-friendly, these tricks will help you get a great garden:Use a yardstick and permanent marker to mark inches and feet on the handle of your rak
Top Five Tips for Growing Beautiful RosesFrom June to September, roses add a special flourish to yards, gardens and public parks throughout the U.S. But for many gardeners, tending roses may seem inti
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Follow these tips for holiday safety and keep the holidays the way they should be - fun and joyful!Last week we offered some tips to keep our favourite furry friends safe this holiday. Unfortunately,
In a few short days, the world population will reach a staggering 7 billion people, leading to a host of environmental concerns.In a few short days, the world population will reach a staggering 7 bill
For many of us the words \"Kundalini\" and \"chakras\" are a bit of a mystery. They are part of an ancient yoga practice; discovering more about this mystery is a way of tapping into your spiritual energy
The alarm goes off, and my mind automatically kicks in with its incessant ritual chatter.Beep!...Beep!…Beep!…The alarm goes off, and my mind automatically kicks in with its incessant ritual chatter.I

Amazing Amaranth

Despite the popularity of gluten-free grains, you may not have heard of amaranth. This little-known gluten-free grain boasts an array of health benefits.Does your intake of whole grains consist of the

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