alive Editorial






Keep an eye out for these Canadian-grown veggies at your local farmers\' markets this summer.The hot Canadian summer brings with it a tasty bounty of fresh veggies. Keep an eye out for these Canadian-g
Cut your meat consumption for World Vegetarian Day and Vegetarian Awareness Month.If you’ve toyed with the idea of going vegetarian, perhaps October is the month to give it a shot, because October is
Donald Watson, founder of the Vegan Society, was only 12 when he resolved to no longer eat meat. Here’s why you should consider it too.The term “vegan” was coined in the year 1944 when the very first
Enjoy a layered salad in a Mason jar for a fun and portable lunch on the go!Admit it, salads are kind of boring. Ordering a salad at a restaurant can be likened to renting a documentary: you know you
Hard-to-see places on our bodies, such as the back of the head and neck, are common sites for skin cancer. Hair stylists may be the perfect screeners for these melanomas.You may have thought your hair
Pledging to cut out meat a mere one day per week can have significant effects on the environment, saving water, land, and energy.Although many of us have reduced or even eliminated our meat intake, fo

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