Antoine Giraud






The Blue Box

Reduce, reuse, recyle. It\'s not a mantra, it\'s a hierarchy. There are cons to recycling, including the amout of energy consumed in the recycling process.After preparing a tasty meal, you toss one of y
Surfing is a religion. But for those of us who are less fanatical, surfing also offers some totally radical health benefits.Surfing is a Religion.Every morning millions of wave worshippers around the
It’s a vision of the future that’s sure to dazzle anyone who’s been gouged at the gas pump: fleets of zero-emission electric vehicles gliding around on nothing but cheap energy from a wall socket. The

For the Money

This tongue-in-cheek TV commercial for IBM\'s green initiative may poke a satirical finger at the green movement, but it does highlight a basic truth: going green often has little to do with the enviro
Rees, a community planner at the University of British Columbia, had found the perfect metaphor for a concept he had been working on called \"the regional capsule\". After his small epiphany, he immedia

Lawn Warfare

Pesticide and herbicide horror stores have become part of 20th-century lore, and rightly so. The potential health hazards range from short- to long-term effects.Pesticide and herbicide horror stories

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