Barbara Yaffe







Nuclear energy may just be the energy source that can save our planet from catatrophic climate change. But what benefits and risks does it pose?Perennial association of the word “nuclear” with the nou
The setting for a global gathering on climate change last December, on the South Pacific island of Bali, was idyllic. But what transpired during the discussions was less so.The setting for a global ga
Some things in life just aren\'t what they seem. This is particularly so in the case of astroturfing. Here are some nefarious examples of the art of astroturfing.Some things in life just aren’t what th

Stephen Lewis

It is naïve to imagine that one person can save the world. But Stephen Lewis, through the work of his foundation, is making a pretty good effort.It is surely naive to imagine that any one human being
In \"Transport Revolutions: Moving People and Freight Without Oil,\" Richard Gilbert and Anthony Perl outline what life will be like as we turn away from oil.With a climate-change crisis and depleting o
Tar sands oil is the most energy-intensive petroleum on the planet. Certainly, the oil sands are making billions for Alberta, but the environment is suffering.When it comes to mega-profits from mega-o

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