Gail Johnson






Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra isn\'t exactly known for being a man of few words. The New Delhi-born, California-based health guru is notorious for giving talks that last three to four hours and for peppering his speec
If you\'ve flipped through a daily newspaper recently, you may have seen the ad for the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor. Next to a stark image of the tagged toe of a corpse is this question: \"What wo
The European Union\'s REACH legislation puts the onus on chemical manufacturers to prove the safety of approximately 30,000 chemicals.There’s no avoiding chemicals in today’s world. They’re present in

Marine Mystery

In certain seas, jellyfish populations have increased more than ten fold, and this spike in numbers, also called blooms, is viewed as a sign of ecological disaster.Thousands of poisonous, heartless, b

Buzz Off

It\'s the peak of camping season, and outdoor adventurers know that along with the pleasures of picnicking beside pristine lakes and sleeping under starry skies come swarms of blood-sucking insects.It’
Look around your home, and chances are, you\'re surrounded by a lot of stuff. How much of that stuff do you want to get rid of because it\'s old, outdated, or all of a sudden uncool?Look around your hom

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