Kathleen Barnes






Iron Maidens

When my 35-year-old friend May complained of extreme fatigue, I was not surprised. She did look pale and drawn, as you might expect for the mother of a four-month-old baby and three older children.Whe
Osteoarthritis, sometimes called â??wear and tear arthritis,â? affects more than 23 million North Americans. While some joint deterioration and breakdown of cushioning cartilage in the joints is comm

Ho, Ho, Ho…

As many as 5 percent of us deal with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in winter, when the days get shorter and we are literally getting less light in our lives-and to our brains. Fortunately, there a
North Americans are eating too much salt, reports the American Medical Association (AMA). The largest group of doctors in the US says it wants to help combat heart disease by cutting the average perso


It\'s been called the fountain of youth hormone, and despite all the hype about dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), research shows healthy DHEA levels may be an indicator for a long and healthy life.It’s be
Food miles indicate the real cost to the planet of moving our food from farm to market. Learn how to reduce your food\'s carbon footprint.Take a look at that luscious, juicy mango on your plate. Your m

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