Linda Ray






Protecting Your Home from Electrical HazardsTips from Home Improvement Expert Tom KraeutlerRecognizing safety measures in your home What comes to mind when considering safety hazards around the home?
Create Budding Home UpdatesBring the garden inside to add a romantic and softer touch to your home décor. Though real flowers are always a gorgeous addition, they can be costly and, unfortunately, the
Clever Storage for Kids\' RoomsTo many parents, the process of keeping kids\' rooms clean never seems to end. And while a kid\'s room may never look quite like the perfect rooms in magazines, a few cleve
Deep Clean Forgotten Areas of Your HomeCommon household items can suffer from the wear and tear of everyday use, but a few simple cleaning tricks will help keep them in good condition and extend their

Home Insulation 101

Home Insulation 101Homeowners spend a lot of time and money making their homes comfortable, inviting places to live. But if you\'re not putting some of that effort into what\'s behind the walls, you cou
Gardening With Charlie - Pruning Fruit TreesWhile it\'s easy this time of year to just daydream about next year\'s garden, there are some chores to be done. Late winter is the perfect time for one of my

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