Melissa Paine






Keep Clutter at Bay

Keep Clutter at BayUseful items to keep your home elegantly organizedAs summer gives way to a busy fall and schedules get a bit more hectic, things have a way of getting disheveled. You can get your h
Create a Clutter-Free Crafting ZoneWhen creative inspiration strikes, you need to seize the moment and create. But if supplies are strewn from one end of the house to the other and clutter reigns, you
Simple Tips to Relieve Clutter DistressGetting organized can feel like an insurmountable goal when every place in your home becomes a catch-all for the family clutter, especially if your closets and d
Four Steps for Attacking Garage OrganizationOrganizing the garage may be one of the most feared tasks in household history. According to a recent Gladiator GarageWorks survey, nearly three out of four
Your Perfect State of OrganizationLife gets busy and clutter has a way of sneaking up on everyone. It may be all those shoes, the lack of space or the fact that you have absolutely no time – there are
Save on Splurge-Worthy Home StylesIn the fashion and design world, alternative materials that emulate high-end looks are trendy not only for their lower price point and low maintenance qualities, but

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