Melissa Paine






Tips for a Budget-Friendly Road TripFrom the Statue of Liberty to the Golden Gate Bridge, the country is bursting with fun, family-friendly vacation destinations. National parks are a classic road tri
Find a Hotel to Fit Your Travel NeedsWhen most people plan a trip, the focus is on the purpose of the journey, whether it’s a work-related jaunt or a vacation with loved ones. Researching and organizi
Pursue Your Travel PassionsAsk nearly any person about his or her dream trip and watch a smile appear as the perfect personal excursion is described. Now, ask why the trip has yet to happen, and time
Prepare Your Car for SummerSummer is a time for sunshine and road trips. No matter the length of the trip, you’ll want your car safe and functional, especially with your family and friends in the pass
How to Plan for Traveling with KidsFamilies that travel with kids typically know tablets and other gadgets and activities can make the journey easier, and vacation rentals can make the stay more relax
Save Money on Summer Road TripsIf financial constraints are keeping you from exploring the world, it may be time to reassess your approach to travel. From road trips across the country to jaunts acros

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