Michelle Hancock






Air-drying clothing can bring back the smell of sun-dried sheets from our childhood. Air dry your laundry on April 19, Hang Out Your Laundry Day.This month I’m putting it all on the line. The clothes
Canada product safety laws are 50 years old. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency enforces them. It could be time for an overhaul.Is there an international congregation in your kitchen?Imports from aro
For those who want access to a car without ownership, car sharing is a great solution; the benefits to the environment and your wallet are unmatched.They walk among us. They’re our friends, our co-wor
Like most Canadians, you\'ve probably started a list of changes you\'d like to make for the new year. Why not try these green New Year\'s resolutions?Like most Canadians, you’ve probably started a list–m
Freeganism isn\'t a new movement, but it is catching on. Diehard Freegans use methods such as scavanging and bartering to obtain the basic necessities of life.It felt like an illicit treasure hunt—my q
In our world of television, DVDs, and computerized toys, fascination with electronic media begins young. The lure of \"Dora the Explorer\" and \"Kung Fu Panda\" is contagious. Children\'s programming is in

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