Rob Klettke






Pets in Pants

Those people walking down the street pushing costumed puppies in strollers might not be as crazy as they appear-they might be the sanest, healthiest people out thereThose people walking down the stree

holistic healing

Playing Your Nervous System Sometimes when we are in pain, we reach for the \"easy fix\" in a pill bottle. However, in doing that, we\'re usually treating the symptoms instead of addressing the cause. Th
This month I had the appointment that I\'ve been dreading the most - the one about food. I suspected that the dietician would tell me things I didn\'t want to hear, things I\'d already identified as my m

Desk Set

Like many of us, I spend a lot of my time sitting at a desk, typing. Health professionals recommend various tactics to help make desk time less detrimental to your health. These suggestions include ge
I\'ve been fascinated with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and more specifically acupuncture, since I was a kid. I was first diagnosed with migraines at a very young age. At that time, the only oth

Justin Morneau

Justin Morneau is a Canadian who’s playing an American game–and he’s playing it better than everyone else. He’s a quiet man. When he speaks, he doesn’t say a lot. He doesn’t brag. He doesn’t spout spo

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