Rob Klettke






Fire in the Belly

After five months of driving all over town to be tested by specialists in the field of holistic health, working out at the gym and at home, trying new foods and supplements, and saying farewell to old
The time has passed too quickly. I entered into this life makeover hoping for quick and significant results. But I now see that such expectations require more commitment than I’ve been able to devote.
Mesh produce bags are eco friendly ways to bag produce. The Moukisac contains a full-sized grocery bag, four drawstring mesh Moukinets, and a small mesh bag.A newfangled theme park built in 1957 by a


The biomimicry movement has taken the lotus effect and applied it to natural examples to create sustainable, innovative designs inspired by nature.In Asia the lotus flower symbolizes purity of body, s

Diesel Danger

Dutch researchers may have found a chemical link between diesel fumes and altered brain activity. But just how damaging is diesel to our health?Dutch researchers may have found a chemical link between
We are so closely connected to other forms of life on our planet that survival without them is unthinkable. And although we have the power of intellect, we can never consider ourselves as superior. On

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