Sandi Gauvin






When it comes to reasons for participating in physical activity, it appears men and women have distinct motivationsWhen it comes to reasons for participating in physical activity, it appears men and w
December\'s frenzied rush toward holiday preparations finds many of us overburdened with activities that waylay our well-established fitness regimens. We\'d like to take a moment to remind you that some
More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates told his patients, \"Walking is the best medicine.\" In the 18th century Thomas Jefferson pronounced, \"Walking is the best possible exercise.\"More than 2,000 years
Have you been playing peek-a-boo with the sun? Reports of a disappearing ozone layer and increasing incidences of skin cancer conflict with concerns about vitamin D deficiencies, making the news on su
Percy Schmeiser and his wife Louise, long known for their legal battle against the biotech giant Monsanto, have been honoured with the Right Livelihood Award.The Schmeisers have given the world a wake

Tennis, Anyone?

People often ask me how I stay so fit. I can;t say I\'m a devoted gym member, nor have I ever been a serious jogger. And my fitness has never been the result of any disciplined effort. My answer to thi

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