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Taking Care of Garden Tools- Keeping garden tools in good working order not only makes gardening tasks easier, it can help plants thrive, too. Sharp hand pruners, for example, make cleaner cuts that h
Inspecting Home Inspectors- When buying or selling a home, a professional home inspector should always be part of the transaction. Home inspectors provide unbiased third-party opinions about the struc
10 Easy Vegetables to Grow in Your GardenGrowing fresh, healthy vegetables at home isn\'t as hard as it may sound. Novice gardeners just need good dirt, easy plants to grow, lots of sunshine and the ri
It\'s the Pits: Sidewalk Fixes for Spring- Bitter cold ice and snow can really do a number on sidewalks. Unfortunately, what starts as an unsightly chip or pit can quickly become a substantial crack an
Tips for Planting SunflowersThe easiest way to add some brightness to your garden is to plant that hearty, yellow favorite - the sunflower. With ancestry traceable to dry prairie lands, these sturdy p

Greener Home Cleaning

Greener Home CleaningMore people than ever are looking for ways to get cleaner, greener homes and it\'s easier than you think. Here are some easy and affordable solutions to help you live more environm

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