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Controlling Slugs

Controlling Slugs- If there\'s one garden pest that\'s universally despised, it\'s slugs. Not only do they eat prized vegetables, herbs, and flowers at night while you sleep, but when you do catch them,
Essential Gardening Tools- You wouldn\'t think of trying to eat your peas with a knife, and it can be just as cumbersome to try to edge a garden bed with a shovel instead of a spade or edger, or to wor
Gardening With Charlie - Pruning a Shrub Rose- Kathy Bond-Borie, Guest Columnist Many a gardener has stood before a favorite rose shrub with pruners in hand, hesitant to make the first cut. Thorns asi
Growing Vegetables in Containers- If you don\'t have room for a garden, or only want to grow a few vegetables, planting in containers is a great option. You can grow many types of vegetables in contain
Clumpy, Grassy Weeds Need Control Now- Three similar-seeming, grassy-looking weeds appear early each spring. All three grow from underground bulbs. All three are perennials that not only come back eve
Closet Organization TipsWith every major seasonal change, pay attention to your wardrobe. Now is the time to try on garments to ensure they fit well, and to store away out-of-season pieces or donate a

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